Owen Sound’s Best Self Storage Facility
“The one with the BLUE roof and BLUE doors”
1300 20th St E, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 6S6
We can help you with all your storage needs, be it household, business or pleasure needs.
Our office is open 9:00AM - 4:30 PM Monday to Friday.

24/7 Rentals & Access
Our Owen Sound facility is open 24/7 for both rentals and access. Our Insomniac machine never sleeps! You can rent a storage unit, buy a lock or pay for your account just as if you were online or talking to a person using the Insomniac located near the main office. Convenient and reliable!
New customers can rent a unit outside office hours by hitting the help button on the kiosk which will allow you to speak to someone live via video.
Our Kiosk takes payments and vends disc locks, prints and emails your lease and gives you a gate code. Payments are accepted at the kiosk (cash, cheque, Visa, Mastercard, debit with a Visa or Mastercard insignia.)

20th St. Facility

9th Ave. Facility
24/7 Access
We are available round the clock for you anytime and will service better.
24/7 Rentals
Rent a unit any time - even after hours using our self serve kiosk.
Lowest Prices
Affordable Prices ranges according to your requirements.
Fencing, electronic gates, and CCTV cameras recording 24/7nts.
Home Storage
Store easily all your home needs products and small home appliances.
Outdoor Storage
Outdoor vehicle, RV and Boat storage. Vehicles must be licensed.
Car Parkings
We have car parking with safety measures for all the seasons.